The New Owner (Representative)
The Wilkinson Project Group
To this writer’s ear, “Owner representation” is a traditional term that may have drifted off into commercial history… A good thing. That historic role had mainly to do with contract administration amid a linear design, bid, then build model. In many cases those processes simply did not get the work done and for the so-called Owner representative, it was akin to pushing a rope.
The emerging new business models are far more integrated and open up the possibilities for a new definition of “Owner’s representative.” The new model involves application of deep knowledge all along the line of action from conception of an idea to the substantial completion of real property.
This knowledge as many pieces and parts including:
• programming ( statement of requirements and needs)
• financial planning and management
• time planning and management
• construction administration
• and organizational design (to be effective during the development period)
Wilkinson Advisory Services Group (aka The Wilkinson Project Group) works in all of these areas of long experience and with commitments to high-quality and suitability for the man – built environment
The Advisory Group is familiar with siting in all seats around the table and contributing substantially to team-building and the likelihood that all participants will “win.”